Streamlining Your Nvim Config

Nimbleness in search of productivity.

I console into a number of computers daily. Many running different services etc. I also have a few different devices everywhere I go, whether it be my home PC, laptop, or work laptop etc. Along with the many devices, a good chunk of my work consists of editing text files. Most of that time spent in vim. So a decent configuration is almost a neccesity to keep my productivity up.

I used to keep my nvim configuration in a configs repo on github, but as time went on, every system I touched, or every update I made to the repository meant that I would have to git pull origin and copy the contents into where ever the hell my nvim config folder was.

Well, If I seperate the nvim configuration folder/files into its own repository and then clone the repository as my config, I could create an alias called nvim-conf-update to git pull origin in my configuration folder and automatically sync all of my configurations.

Hell this could become an automated task.

So i set out to seperate my nvim configuration.

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