Organizational Behaviour Examples

What examples can you find in modern media that portray organizational behaviour?


In a behavioural organization class, we have an assignment to watch a movie and pick a sceene from it where we notice some organizational behaviour coming into play. Below are my awnsers to this assignment.

Organizational Behaviours in Media

This clip is from the movie Free Guy. It is a movie about a bank teller, who learns that he is a non-playable character or NPC in an open-world video game, akin to GTA. In the story, the character goes on to become the hero, and saving two real life peoples lives as they discover the code that is running his character was stolen from them. In the recorded scene, we witness many Organizational Behaviors exhibited by Antwan, the owner of the company. One of the first things that Antwan does is use some conceptual skills.

Initially the Main Character, Blue Shirt Guy, being an out of control NPC causes issues. Antwan sees the publicity of this event as an Opportunity to embellish and grow the company’s profits by maximizing the character’s image. We could also consider the Art Nerds a Technical Skill, in being able to create and design the new Blue Shirt Guy Character.

Another example of Technical Skills could be Keys being asked if he would like to be promoted to a developer or programmer. An example of Differentiation Strategy in this clip could be Keys attempting to wager Antwan on making a new and unique game that masters its craft through careful consideration and development.

Antwan unfortunately shuts Keys down by rather taking an operational Excellence approach, demanding that they instead stick to what they are good at, and continue to profit on the framework that already exists.

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