Advent of Code is a annual set of Christmas themed programming problem that follow an advent calendar. I have heard about Advent of Code (AoC from now on) before but never committed time or resources to it.
Struggling to learn C, I decided to go through the AoC content from 2015 to current and complete each of the challenges with at a minimum, attempting to use C. The nice thing about doing the older problems, well really any problem, is that there are plenty of resources around online to help me work through and solve the problems.
I plan to go through at least one problem a day on my lunch break if not more given time permits and upload it to my github repository. Depending on how I feel I may produce a write up of the problem, challenges I faced, my resolutions, how I could optimize, etc… I think that this will be a fun exercise and prep me for when the 2023 AoC comes around.
Fun Fact! I did not know that people could prestige programming problems but I recently learned, that people have prestige AoC. I guess at the end of the day, it is a game :)