What is a Digital Garden?
- A place for ideas to grow.
- A place for critiques.
- An exercise in learning in public.
Learn In Public
- Humility.
- Honesty.
- Generate Resources that you wish you had.
Work In Public
- Document Your Self.
- Document Your Steps
- Working In Public Forces you to Work your Metacognitive Mind.
- What is a digital garden? https://notes.joschua.io/50+Slipbox/Digital+garden
- Work In Public https://nesslabs.com/work-in-public Learn In Public https://www.swyx.io/learn-in-public
- Pick Up What They Put Down https://www.swyx.io/puwtpd
- Learn In Private https://www.swyx.io/learn-in-private
- How do Rocket Scientists Learn https://www.govloop.com/community/blog/how-do-rocket-scientists-learn-aka-knowledge-management-lessons-learned-at-goddard-nasa/
What is a Digital Garden?
A digital garden to me is a place for for my ideas, projects, and thoughts to be planted in, and sprout and grow in the future. Besides a personal journal on my computer Ive decided to make it a publicly facing blog. Ive decided to so for a few reasons. A digital garden allows space for critiques from others. I don’t know everything, nor do I know the best way to do one thing. Posting things publicly allows for a criticism from netizens.
“As I grow, my notes will grow. They will mature from that seed to a full grown plant later in the future.” (Digital Garden, Joschua) This is a practice of Working in Public.
Working In Public
Studies show that statistically, people are more likely to do stuff if they keep their intentions in private. But at times though that statement can seem counter intuitive. Often, people share their weight loss publicly on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. Many report that doing so is a great way to stay motivated.
When you think about it, some of the reason, people post things online is because it provides a way for you to receive praise along the way. A quote that sticks with me is
“Become a documentarian of what you do” - Austin Kleon, Author of Show Your Work
Becoming a documentarian means that you will develop very quickly
- Your Metacognition
- Quick Feedback Loops on Content
- Increased Creativity.
By documenting your self, you are working your Metacognition. You are working on thinking of your thoughts. Should I have done that? Should I have done this instead. Why did I take that route? Was it because of an experience I had? Working your metacognition and thinking about your thinking allows for you to quickly determine fallacies in your thought pattern. It also helps you explain in better depth, what you are working on.
Working in public also forces you to document not only your thoughts, but also your steps taken to get there. Doing this its self can help you identify un necessary steps and find better work flows.